Customer Testimonials

"In preparation for selling my house, I was desperate to find design solutions. Jamie came in and literally "fixed" all of my design concerns in 2 days. My real estate agent is thrilled. I am so grateful! I just wish I could have met her earlie

Paula Silas-Guy, Indian Hill

"Jamie is a jewel. Lots of great ideas that were mostly not too expensive!"

Dr. Tom Kunkel, Amberley Village

"Jamie helped our house go from "nice" to "pristine and classy". Her creative and professional eye along with her attention to detail made our house look like a showroom! Most of the decorative pieces she used were from our own selection, but she has a way of diplaying them that made our house look more polished. Jamie also recommended several low cost, "quick fixes" that I could take care of helping me stay within budget. Jamie was availble and flexible to work in a short time frame (2 weeks). She went the extra mile to locate additional staging furniture for our basement. The proof is in the results...our house sold in days AND we have a back up offer. I'd recommend Jamie's services to anyone prepearing to sell, and will likely invite her to our new house (out of state) to consult me on our new design from the beginning."

Cassie Carl-Rohm, Mt. Lookout

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